Lab Team

Get to know the team that works with me in the lab.

Leonardo V. Riella, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator

Thiago Borges, PhD

Instructor in Surgery

Orhan Efe, MD

Instructor in Medicine

Rodrigo Gassen

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Audrey Uffing, MD

PhD Candidate

Frank Hullekes, MD

Phd Candidate

Kaifeng Liu, MD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Ayman Al Jurdi, MD

Instructor in medicine

Leela Morena, MD

Research trainee

Sul Lee, MD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Ruchama Verhoeff, MD

Research trainee

Yoshikazu Ganchiku, MD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Daniel Marconi, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Guilherme Taborda Ribas, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Karim Yatim, MD

Instructor in medicine

Marie-Camille Lafargue

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Ana Flavia Laureano, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Minxeu Liao, MD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Sylvain Bodard, MD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Karina Rodrigues Lima, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Anna Pomahac

Research Assistant

Suvra Mitra, BS

Research Assistant

Nicolas Melaragno

Research trainee

Lab Alumni

Alexandre Calandrini

medical student, UNIFESP, Brazil

Bruno Aoyama

medical student UNIFESP, Brazil

Branislav Kollar, MD

Plastic Surgery Resident, Freiburg, Germany

Marie-Camille Lafargue, MD

nephrology fellow, Necker, France

Ciara N Magee MD PhD

Consultant Nephrologist at Royal Free London, England

Juliette Leon

nephrologist Institute Necker Enfants-Malades, France

Kassem Safa

Associate Medical Director for Live Donation, MGH, Boston

Pedro Ventura Abreu Aguiar, MD

Physician-Scientist, Barcelona, Spain

Nora Alzahrani, MD

Transplant nephrology fellow Hopkins

Maria Jose Perez

transplant nephrologist, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain

Mark Bastiaansen

medical student, Groningen, Netherlands

Laura Goldfarb Cyrino

medical student, UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mauricio Lima

medical student UNIFESP, Brazil

Naoka Murakami, MD PhD

Junior Faculty, BWH, Boston

Susanne Chock

Attending at Boston Children’s Hospital

Thet Su Win

dermatology fellowship, Harvard, Boston

João Ismael Budelon, BS

PUC-RS, Brazil

Isadora Lape

researcher at Takeda