Am J Transplant. 2022 Jun 21 Authors: Al Jurdi A, Morena L, Cote M, Bethea E, Azzi J, Riella LV. Abstract: The neutralizing monoclonal antibody combination of tixagevimab/cilgavimab has been shown…
Xenotransplantation. 2022 May;29(3):e12748 Authors: Ganchiku Y, Riella LV Summary: Pig kidney xenotransplantation is increasingly regarded as a realistic solution to the current shortage of human organ donors for patients with end-stage…
Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Aug 9. Authors: Morena L, Al Jurdi A, Azzi J, Fishman J, Riella LV Abstract We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study of all KTRs on belatacept who received…
Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Jun;7(6):1424-1427. Uffing A, Hullekes F, Hesselink DA, Mansur JB, Malvezzi P, de Vries APJ, Seeger H, Manfro RC, Nissaisorakarn P, Wang AX, Reindl-Schwaighofer R, Sanchez-Russo L,…
Front. Immunol., 25 February 2022 Authors: Al Jurdi A, Gassen RB, Borges TJ, Solhjou Z, Hullekes FE, Lape IT, Efe O, Alghamdi A, Patel P, Choi JY, Mohammed MT, Bohan…