Brazilian Journal of Nephrology. 2019 Dec 2. Authors Patel AB, Choi JY, Mutter WP, Weins A, Riella LV. Abstract In this case report, we present a 64-year-old man with a history…
Am J Transplant. 2019 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/ajt.15545. Authors Li GZ, Tio MC, Pak LM, Krier J, Seifter JL, Tullius SG, Riella LV, Malek SK, Stergachis AB. Abstract A 72-year-old…
New England Journal of Medicine 2019. May 29. Authors: Tasigiorgos S, Kollar B, Turk M, Perry B, Alhefzi M, Kiwanuka H, Nizzi MC, Marty FM, Chandraker A, Tullius SG, Riella…
JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2019 Apr 18. Key Points Question: Do clinical signs, such as erythema or edema, remain reliable markers of acute rejection in facial transplantation over time? Findings:…
Key message: Although the prevalence of 2-high risk APOL1 alleles is lower in Brazilian of African Ancestry when compared to the USA, the presence of 2-risk alleles was ten times…
Am J Transplant. 2018 Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/ajt.15143. Authors: Krezdorn N, Lian CG, Wells M, Wo L, Tasigiorgos S, Xu S, Borges TJ, Frierson RM, Stanek E, Riella LV, Pomahac…