Kidney immunology: embracing the complexity to advance the field

Clin Kidney J. 2022 Feb;15(2):366-367
Riella LV, Cravedi P
Abnormal immunity is involved in the pathophysiology of virtually any renal disease [1] and uremia per se has a significant impact on the immune system [2]. Nonetheless, the current understanding of specific immune abnormalities associated with different kidney diseases is quite rudimentary. This is responsible, at least in part, for the absence of specific treatments for most of these conditions.
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Figure: In-depth characterization of the human immune response in kidney disease. Human samples can be used for extensive profiling of immune, genetic and kidney abnormalities. The hypotheses generated from human studies can be tested in animal models and then in human mechanistic studies. Ultimately, these studies have the potential to identify new treatment targets and biomarkers that will improve the outcomes of affected individuals.

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