Am J Transplant. 2020 Jul 10. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16185. Link Download accepted article here Paolo Cravedi1, Suraj Sarvode Mothi2, Yorg Azzi3, Meredith Haverly1, Samira Farouk4, María José Pérez-Sáez5, Maria Dolores Redondo-Pachón5, Barbara Murphy1,…
KIDNEY360 1: 130–140, 2020. Shruti Gupta , Frank B. Cortazar, Leonardo V. Riella, and David E. Leaf Full PDF version on this link Abstract Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs) have transformed…
Am J Transplant. 2020 Mar 31. Authors Gandolfini I, Delsante M, Fiaccadori E, Zaza G, Manenti L, Degli Antoni A, Peruzzi L, Riella LV, Cravedi P, Maggiore U. Abstract An…
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Feb 7;15(2):247-256. Authors Uffing A, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Mazzali M, Manfro RC, Bauer AC, de Sottomaior Drumond F, O'Shaughnessy MM, Cheng XS, Chin KK, Ventura…
Braz J Nephrology. 2019 Oct-Dec;41(4):448-450. Authors Murakami N, Riella LV. Abstract Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In the US, studies have shown a clear survival benefit…
Front Immunol. 2019 Nov 29;10:2771. Authors Kollar B, Uffing A, Borges TJ, Shubin AV, Aoyama BT, Dagot C, Haug V, Kauke M, Safi AF, Talbot SG, Morelon E, Dakpe S,…
Sci Data. 2019 Dec 9;6(1):314. Authors Shubin AV, Kollar B, Dillon ST, Pomahac B, Libermann TA, Riella LV. Abstract Face transplantation is a promising solution for patients with devastating facial…