Front Immunol. 2023 Mar 31;14:1139358. Authors: Halawi A, El Kurdi AB, Vernon KA, Solhjou Z, Choi JY, Saad AJ, Younis NK, Elfekih R, Mohammed MT, Deban CA, Weins A, Abdi…
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Dec;33(12):2306-2319. Authors: Rosales IA, Mahowald GK, Tomaszewski K, Hotta K, Iwahara N, Otsuka T, Tsuji T, Takada Y, Acheampong E, Araujo-Medina M, Bruce A, Rios…
Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Aug 31;7(11):2397-2409 Authors: Vanhove T, Elias N, Safa K, Cohen-Bucay A, Schold JD, Riella LV, Gilligan H. Abstract: Introduction: The kidney transplant recipient population in the United States…
Am J Transplant. 2022 Jun 21 Authors: Al Jurdi A, Morena L, Cote M, Bethea E, Azzi J, Riella LV. Abstract: The neutralizing monoclonal antibody combination of tixagevimab/cilgavimab has been shown…
Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Aug 9. Authors: Morena L, Al Jurdi A, Azzi J, Fishman J, Riella LV Abstract We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study of all KTRs on belatacept who received…